If your payment is due and you are paying a different amount than usual this month or have a special bill, please use this link and enter the amount:
Here at Creekside, our horses are allowed to socialize with each other when they are not training.
This keeps them happy and allows them to stay in great mental and physical shape! It's not unusual to see them running, taking a dip in the pond, and greeting visitors hoping for snacks and tickles.
Monthly Pricing | Save $10 use Zelle app to pay by the 5th of the month |
1x weekly lesson- our horse | $210 |
2x weekly (8) - our horse | $370 |
3x weekly (12) - our horse | $430 |
On your horse/lease: 4x month | $190 |
On your horse/lease: 8x month | $330 |
On your horse/lease: 12x month | $370 |
Full Board w/stall. Does not include farrier, vet, wormer, shots, treatments, or hauling. Includes Alfalfa/Coastal hay and grain, daily turnout. | $600-650 |
Full Board outside no stall. Does not include farrier, vet, wormer, shots, treatments, or hauling. Includes Alfalfa/Coastal hay and grain, daily turnout. | $500 |
Half Lease: See page for available horses and ponies | Inquire, every horse is different. |